Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Ive always liked the peace symbol. I remember back in the day everyone used it. For me and the people I hung out with the symbol of peace was always positive, a sign of brotherly love.
There were negative jesters as well, such as the middle finger. No one liked the middle finger. The middle finger stirred up anger and hate. But the peace sign usually communicated a sense of love and acceptance.

Peace, ahh yes, Peace. The peace sign is still very popular today. And so is the middle finger. Nobody ever likes to get the middle finger but most all enjoy it when someone wishes you peace. Isn't that what we all want? Peace? In the hustle and bustle of everyday life filled with busy schedules and jammed freeways dont you just wish you had some Peace through it all? I think everyone can relate here. We just want PEACE.

But you know what I'm finding out is the peace we are all looking for is not so much a peace from our circumstances but rather we need Peace from OURSELVES. Were often looking for some kind of peace from outside of ourselves when what we really need is a Peace FROM ourselves.

We try to find peace in alcohol or medication or maybe we try and get it from a vacation or a 3 day weekend, or maybe we try to find it in buying things. Toys and what not.

From my own experience Ive found that it is my own evil heart that will not allow me to experience peace. In ME there lies a wickedness that robs me from the peace that I so much desire. My own heart is the very thing that keeps me from experiencing PEACE. And if your honest with yourself you will find that you too possess this anti Peace virus.

Isaiah 48:22 the Lord says; there is no Peace for the wicked.

When I look out for my own interests instead of the interests of others, I have no Peace. When I retaliate and return evil for evil, I have no peace. When I am envious of my neighbor, I have no peace. When I get upset and lash out to those who irritate me, I have no peace. Every day, all day long, I find within me an evil wicked heart that robs me from the peace that I so much desire.

Ahh, but atlas I have found the peace that I so desperately desire. I have not found this peace from within myself but rather from outside myself. I have also not found this peace from anything or any source that this world has to offer. I have found Peace in Jesus Christ.

Do you desire peace?

John 14:27 Jesus Christ said; Peace I leave with you and my peace I give to you.

Everyone wants peace. But are you willing to accept that within yourself you will never find it? Ahhh, but when you look outside of yourself, when you look to Jesus Christ and trust in Him for the forgiveness of your sins you will experience true PEACE. A Peace that surpasses all understanding. The peace and the love of God within your heart, in spite of yourself, even during your trying circumstances.

May the God of hope fill you with all Joy and Peace in believing,
Rom:15 13


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